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One of the Largest of the owl species with height of about 30 inches and a wingspan varying upto 6.5 feet this nocturnal bird is as name suggests is mostly found in the EURASIAN REGION. Mostly inhabiting the rocky or the mountainous areas. Eating almost anything from rodent to reptiles to birds and mammals it is an excellent adapter to the surroundings and is rarely found in Human settlements too. Tamed in some regions in europe for targeting the rodents and other pests in the farms this beautiful bird helps

One of the most sought after bird by the birders in when they visit the union territory of LADAKH is the White-Browed Tit- Warbler. One of the small birds almost the size of a sparrow lives in the shrubs rarely coming on the top in clear view. One has to have a lot of patience to click this bird. We tried about an hour or so and were not happy with the images we were able to make. Just while we were having our breakfast which was a sumptuous

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