Finding a BLACK NECK CRANE might not be that difficult in the region of LADAKH but find one with a juvenile or chick in toe might be a bit difficult. We had heard that there is pair in the HANLE region which was seen a bit rarely with their juvenile. Trying the spot twice in the morning session without any luck we headed for it as soon as the afternoon session started. We were not only blessed by the sight of the family but also after sometime saw them
The name Black-Winged Snowfinch a bird in the sparrow family is also knows as the Adams's Snowfinch. It is a common resident of the tibetan plateau ranging heights from 4200 to 5100 meters in the summer it comes down to an altitude ranging from 2500 to 3500 meters in the winters. They are often found picking food on open stony hillsides or plateau but also come near villages for picking grains and any food particles they can find. As the name suggest had dark wings almost black and an orange beak. @HANLE, LADAKH,
While you are targeting some of the species in the shrubs you never know what lies in surprise for you. We were searching for a bird called chinese ruby throat which we were unable to find there was a trill call which we knew well of the BROWN ACCENTOR. A plain bird which is found in the thickets was perching over the top branches of small shrubs. Waiting with a great patience to make some images of it in the small thickets full of thorns the little one came and sat
After searching for it for about an hour till the dusk we decided it to give a try the next morning before we set out in the search of the two snowcocks which are mostly seen at high altitude near the passes like TANGLANG LA and WARI LA. Now the question was how do we allot the time for the same as the snowcocks would go into the shades after the sun came up. So the only option was to allot a small amount of time and try out